Serious Sam 2 Full Version Pc Game Torrent
Posted : admin On 5/6/2019Notable for stunningly destructive weapons (who among us can rekindle memories of Doom’s BFG 9000 without getting all weepy), displaced body parts, creepy music, creepier sound effects, and visually alarming yet severely dim-witted enemies that relied on brute force and/or. Serious Sam II Update Information. GAME.TYPE.: Shooter. Serious Sam 2 will be a shot of adrenaline to the.
Serious Sam 3 BFE PC Full Version – Adalah sebuah game pc dengan genre FPS, yang mana di game ini dibekali dengan grafis 3D HD yang cukup mantep, dalam game ini kalian harus melawan para monster, di game ini tersedia 13 buah senjata, kalian bisa memakai untuk mengalahkan para monster yang ada, Sebelumnya Mimin telah membagikan link download game FPS keren mantep yaitu Battlefield 4 PC Download.
Download Serious Sam 3 BFE PC, Like previous titles in the series, Serious Sam 3: BFE involves fighting against many hordes of enemies in wide-open environments. However Serious Sam 3 has more closed environments than its predecessors, particularly in the early levels. There are also a larger number of enemies that can attack the player from a distance.The player can carry an unlimited amount of weapons, including a minigun, rocket launcher, assault rifle and a cannon. There are 13 weapons total. 5 of them have a manual reload. The signature close-combat weapons from the first game, the knife and chainsaw, have been replaced with a sledgehammer with three modes of attack (vertical strike, 180 turn and full 360 turn).
Screenshot :
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- Size : 5.3GB
- Status : Tested (Windows 7)
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System Requirements :
- OS: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
- Processor: Dual-core from Intel or AMD at 2.0 GHz
- Memory: 1GB
- Graphics: nVidia GeForce 7800/7900/8600 series, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600 or 1800/X1900 series
- DirectX®: 9.0c
- Hard Drive: 4GB free hard drive space
- Sound: DirectX9.0c Compatible Sound Card
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- Download file dari link diatas
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Serious Sam 3 BFE PC Full Version
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Posting terkait:
Game Information
Official Name | Serious Sam |
Version | Full Game |
File Upload | Torrent |
Platform (s) | Microsoft Windows, PC |
Release date (s) | 2010 |
Composer (s) | Damjan Mravunac |
Series | Serious Sam |
Genre (s) | First-person shooter |
Mode (s) | Single-player, multiplayer |
Serious Sam Full PC Game Overview

Serious Sam Download Free Full Game is a first-person shooter video game, released in two episodes and the first in the Serious Sam series, developed by Croteam. Originally released for Microsoft Windows only, Serious Sam's rising popularity resulted in the porting of the episodes to the Xbox, GameCube, PlayStation 2, Game Boy Advance and Palm OS, as well as in the remaking of both episodes for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 in high-definition.

The series follows the adventures of protagonist Sam «Serious» Stone and his fight against the forces of the notorious extraterrestrial overlord Mental who seeks to destroy humanity. Serious Sam Free Download.
Enemies spawn frequently and attack in large waves from across the game map, and the player is intended to dodge their projectiles and charges by jumping and strafing rather than by taking cover. Health and armor are non-regenerative on most difficulty levels, and instead are replenished with the health and armor packs which are littered throughout the game. Available health is represented by a percentage number on the screen. The combat is high-paced and frenetic: The levels typically consist of a series of elaborate arenas, in which the player will defeat a set number of re-spawning enemies before proceeding to the next. Enemies range from soldiers with rocket launchers to gigantic charging robots to shrieking suicide bombers without heads and holding bombs. The environments include ancient Egyptian pyramids, tropical rainforests, and medieval castles. Serious Sam features cooperative gameplay through a split-screen mode and via the internet.
Croteam created their own engine for use in both The First Encounter and The Second Encounter. Named the «Serious Engine», it is designed to cope with extremely large view distances and massive numbers of models by implementing level of detail rendering. Most contemporary FPS engines were developed for a limited draw distance and only a few animating models (i.e. enemies) on screen at a time. The Serious Engine is very efficient, capable of maintaining dozens of moving enemies (often stampedes) and enormous enemies, even on a modest system challenging the well known id Tech, Unreal Engine or Source engines. The «Serious Engine» can render through both Direct3D or OpenGL and, while it does not support pixel or vertex shaders, it is optimised for Direct3D 7's hardware transformation, clipping and lighting. The «Serious Engine» is available for licensing from Croteam. Serious Sam Free Download PC Game.
A more powerful iteration of the «Serious Engine» was developed for use in Serious Sam 2 and is known as «Serious Engine 2». It supports many features of modern GPUs such as pixel and vertex shaders, HDR, bloom and parallax mapping.
Serious Engine 3 was used in Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter and Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter. It includes detailed shading, and enemies are completely remodeled to look more realistic. This engine is also being developed to harness the full capacity of HDR and High Definition mapping. An updated version, Serious Engine 3.5, is used in Serious Sam 3: BFE.
The latest version is the Serious Engine 4, which Croteam used in their most recent game, The Talos Principle.
In March 2016, Croteam released Serious Engine v1.10 as free and open source software on GitHub under the GNU General Public License v2.
Croteam took their publishing rights from 2K Games to new startup Devolver Digital, after 2K Games became uninterested in Serious Sam, waiting for their long rival Duke Nukem Forever to finish. Both episodes were remade using Serious Engine 3. They featured updated visuals, better performance and lush environments, all in high-definition. The remakes featured 16-player online co-op (4-player in the Xbox Live Arcade version), deathmatch and a new game-mode called «Co-Op Tournament».

The remake of the first episode, Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, was released on 24 November 2009 for Microsoft Windows through Steam and on 13 January 2010 for Xbox 360 through the Xbox Live Arcade. The remake of the second episode, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter was released on 28 April 2010 for Microsoft Windows through Steam and on 22 September 2010 for Xbox 360 through the Xbox Live Arcade. On 14 January 2011, the DLC titled «Fusion» was released on Steam, which merged the levels of The First Encounter into The Second Encounter. This DLC was free for everyone who owned both encounters on Steam. Additionally, The Second Encounter HD was expanded with new piece of DLC called «Legend of the Beast». Released on 15 May 2012, it contained new maps for the Survival and Multiplayer modes and a new, short set of campaign missions. Serious Sam for PC.
Serious Sam Free Download PC Game
Click on below button to start Serious Sam Download Free PC Game. It is a Full Version PC Game. Just download torrent and start playing it.