Download Anime Darker Than Black Sub Indo Mkv
Posted : admin On 4/24/2019Darker Than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha (720p BD – 60MB)
Darker Than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
Darker than Black: The Black Contractor (synonym)
Ciemniejszy od czerni (synonym)
Czarny Kontraktor (synonym)
Mroczny Kontraktor (synonym)
DtB (short)
dtb1 (short)
Darker Than Black (official)
Darker than Black (official)
Darker Than Black (official)
Ten years ago, a bizarre phenomenon appeared in Tokyo. Three days later, two types of humans with supernatural abilities appeared: emotionless `dolls` that only do what they`re `programmed` to and wield the ability of surveillance, and powerful `contractors`, feared and hated by the humans that know of their existence. Rationally self-preserving and without the feeling of guilt, it`s not long before contractors are used as ideal assassins and weapons of war.
Unable to analyze the phenomenon that created these beings safely, it`s decided that a huge wall be built around it, called “Hell`s Gate.” PANDORA, an international research group, protects this wall and analyzes what little they can, while the government struggles to suppress dangerous contractors and the publics` knowledge of them.
In all the police force`s efforts and doll-assisted surveillance of the city, one contractor continues to evade them. `BK201`, as the police force knows him, stands out as an exceptional killer, while those in the syndicate who know him as `Hei` see him as a powerful, yet strangely irrational contractor…
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Download Darker than Black Season 2 BD Subtitle Indonesia 480p 720p Batch, Darker than Black Season 2 BD Sub Indo 480p 720p Batch mkv. 26 Nov Season 1 — Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha. Link Download #1 — Mkv p & Mkv p — Untuk PC. 18 Mar Download Anime Darker than Black.
Direct-Download Links Torrent Links for Darker Than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha 720p BD 60MB miniMKV Encodes
Episode 1 : Direct Download
Episode 2 : Direct Download
Episode 3 : Direct Download
Episode 4 : Direct Download
Episode 5 : Direct Download
Episode 6 : Direct Download
Episode 7 : Direct Download
Episode 8 : Direct Download
Episode 9 : Direct Download
Episode 10 : Direct Download
Episode 11 : Direct Download
Episode 12 : Direct Download
Episode 13 : Direct Download
Episode 14 : Direct Download
Episode 15 : Direct Download
Episode 16 : Direct Download
Episode 17 : Direct Download
Episode 18 : Direct Download
Episode 19 : Direct Download
Episode 20 : Direct Download
Episode 21 : Direct Download
Episode 22 : Direct Download
Episode 23 : Direct Download
Episode 24 : Direct Download
Episode 25 : Direct Download
Episode 26 : Direct Download
Darker than Black, what an adventure it has been. Darker than Black takes place in a near future world where two gates appeared, Heaven’s Gate and Hell’s Gate. The mysterious appearance of these gates brought with them the Contractors. Contractors are people who have entered into a contract with an unknown force and gained a unique power in return. The nature of the contract however requires them to give back each time they use their power. Payment is anything from smoking a cigarette to writing a poem. The main story is told through an omnipotent point of view with the “camera man” being at the scene and generally following a certain group of characters, but can focus on other characters as the protagonists for an entire arc. It is a very unique telling of the story and hard to put into words, but that isn’t a bad thing.
The animation and art style of Darker than Black are superb. Each character is completely unique and unlike some other shows with several similar looking characters, Darker than Black does an excellent job of giving each character an unique style and a winning personality. The fights of Darker than Black are done very well and are very fluid. Although short at times, it is after all not a shounen series, they are excellent none the less. Some fights are extended and are a real treat for the eyes. Bones, the producers, did an excellent job with the series and I am looking forward to seeing more of their work.

Download Anime Darker Than Black Sub Indo
The soundtrack for Darker than Black is up there with my favourites of all time. An excellent mix of various genres of music. At one point it will be a jazz track, then later it will be an orchestra piece or a rock track. Overall the music is really well done and accurately depicts the scene. At some points I found myself with the hair on the back of my neck standing up as the music heated up in preparation of a coming battle. The voice acting is top notch. Hei has two distinct voices: one serious and the other calm or even clumsy sounding. Pinnacle themes winter pack serial port. The other main characters: Kirihara, Yin, Huang, and Mao also have top notch performances. Overall the casting and voice acting are very well done.
Each character has their own special traits and have very well written dialogue. Although it is for the most part an Action/Drama type of series, there are often Comedic undertones to help break up the suspense. When Hei is not masquerading as BK201, his codename, he is a very funny and sarcastic individual. Most every character has moments that make you want to laugh, especially Gai, the off the wall private eye, and his partner, the pink haired money hungry Kiko. All in all the characters have a very nice chemistry and it is interesting to see Hei’s interactions with the people who are pursuing him. The only thing that is holding back the characters is, with the exception of Hei and Yin, there is very little back story provided for many of the main characters. This is hard to do of course though with an episodic type series.
The series seems episodic as the story is generally told in two episode mini-arcs, with the final arc being three episodes, it never really feels very episodic. Especially toward the end where the main plot runs into each new arc. Although there is a sense of conclusion after each arc, it never really feels like it is of an episodic nature (if that makes any sense at all). I immensely enjoyed Darker than Black and it had a very satisfying conclusion
Darker Than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini (Sequel)
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Japanese: Darker than BLACK -黒の契約者-
Genre : Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Super Power
Seasons : Spring 2007
Producers: Aniplex, Square Enix, Mainichi Broadcasting System, Movic

Type: BD
Status: Completed
Total Episode: 25
Score: 8.24
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Released on: Apr 06, 2007
Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha bercerita tentang sebuah sejak Gerbang Surga muncul di Amerika Selatan dan Gerbang Neraka muncul di Jepang selama 10 tahun terakhir ini . Tujuan munculnya dua gerbang tersebut tidak diketahui , Gerbang ini adalah ruang di mana hukum fisika diabaikan . Dengan munculnya gembar tersebut maka ada orang yang di sebut kontraktor sebagai pengawal yang menjaga dan di beri kekuatan magis .
Di kota Jepang yang memiliki Gerbang Neraka , Kepala Divisi 4 Misaki Kirihara mendapati dirinya berselisih dengan Kontraktor terkenal dengan kode nama He i. Disebut “Black Reaper” di dunia bawah tanah , Hei seperti rekan-rekannya yang lain , melakukan misi untuk Sindikat misterius dan kejam .
Anime Selanjutnya : Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden (OVA)
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