Mla Handbook Pdf
Posted : admin On 4/21/2019MLA Handbook. Master of Landscape Architecture College of Fine and Applied Arts. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Modern Language Association (MLA) has created a set of publication guidelines known as “MLA style.”. Mla handbook pdf free download. Mla format quick guide. Mla handbook pdf 2016. Mla referencing style examples.
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 8th ed. | |
Original title | The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Subject | Style guide |
Publisher | Modern Language Association of America |
2016 | |
Published in English | April 2016 |
Pages | xiv + 146 |
ISBN | 978-1-60329-262-7 |
OCLC | 930786330 |
808.02/7—dc23 | |
LC Class | LB2369 .G53 2016 |
Preceded by | MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed., 2009)' |
Website | |
The MLA Handbook (8th ed., 2016), formerly the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (1977–2009) is a publication of the United States-based Modern Language Association. According to the organization, their MLA style 'has been widely adopted for classroom instruction and used worldwide by scholars, journal publishers, and academic and commercial presses'.[1]
The MLA Handbook began as an abridged student version of the MLA Style Manual. Both are academicstyle guides that have been widely used in the United States, Canada, and other countries, providing guidelines for writing and documentation of research in the humanities, such as English studies (including the English language, writing, and literature written in English); the study of other modern languages and literatures, including comparative literature; literary criticism; media studies; cultural studies; and related disciplines.[2] Released in April 2016, the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook (like its previous editions) is addressed primarily to secondary-school and undergraduate college and university teachers and students.[3]
MLA announced in April 2016 MLA Handbook will henceforth be 'the authoritative source for MLA style', and that the 2008 third edition of the MLA Style Manual would be the final edition of the larger work. The announcement also stated that the organization 'is in the process of developing additional publications to address the professional needs of scholars.'[4]
- 1History
The MLA Handbook grew out of the initial MLA Style Sheet of 1951[5] (revised in 1970[6][7]), a 28-page 'more or less official' standard.[8] The first five editions, published between 1977 and 1999 were titled the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. The title changed to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers in 2003 (6th ed.).
The seventh edition's main changes from the sixth edition were 'no longer recogniz[ing] a default medium and instead call[ing] for listing the medium of publication [whether Print or Web or CD] in every entry in the list of works cited', recommending against listing URLs, and preferring italics over underline.[9] Additionally, the seventh edition included a website with the full text of the book.[10] Later online additions allowed for citation of e-books[11] and tweets.[12]
The eighth edition's main changes from the seventh edition are 'shift[ing] our focus from a prescriptive list of formats to an overarching purpose of source documentation'.[8] Released in spring 2016, it changes the structure of the works cited list, most directly by adding abbreviations for volumes and issues (vol. and no.), pages (p. or pp.), not abbreviating words like 'editor' or 'translator', using URLs in most instances (though preferring DOI, as in APA), and not favoring the medium of publication.[13]
The table below identifies the year of publication of each edition of the MLA Handbook.
Edition | Year |
1 | 1977 |
2 | 1984 |
3 | 1988 |
4 | 1995 |
5 | 1999 |
6 | 2003 |
7 | 2009 |
8 | 2016 |
See also[edit]
- ^'MLA Style'. Modern Language Association. Retrieved 5 April 2016.
- ^'What is MLA Style'. MLA. Archived from the original on 2012-03-10.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
- ^Feal, Rosemary G. (2016). 'Foreword'. MLA Handbook. Modern Language Association. pp. vii–viii. ISBN978-1-60329-262-7.
- ^'Ask the MLA: Is a new edition of the MLA Style Manual going to be published?'. The MLA Style Center. Modern Language Association. April 8, 2016. Archived from the original on July 11, 2018. Retrieved November 7, 2018.
- ^'The MLA Style Sheet'. PMLA. 66 (3): 3–31. 1951. doi:10.2307/2699076. ISSN0030-8129.
- ^Kennedy, Scott (1999). Reference Sources for Small and Medium-sized Libraries. Chicago and London: American Library Association. p. 779. ISBN978-0-8389-3468-5.
- ^Achtert, Walter S.; Gibaldi, Joseph (1985). The MLA Style Manual (First ed.). New York: Modern Language Association of America. p. vii. ISBN978-0-87352-136-9.
- ^ abFitzpatrick, Kathleen (2016). 'Preface'. MLA Handbook (8th ed.). Modern Language Association. pp. ix–xiv. ISBN978-1-60329-262-7.
- ^'What is new in the seventh edition of the MLA Handbook?'. MLA. 3 February 2012. Archived from the original on 1 April 2013.
- ^Nicholls, David G. (2009). 'Preface'. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.). New York: MLA. pp. xvii–xix. ISBN978-1-60329-024-1.
- ^'How do I cite an e-book?'. MLA (7th ed.). Archived from the original on 11 March 2015.
- ^'How do I cite a tweet?'. MLA (7th ed.). Archived from the original on 10 November 2013.
- ^'What's New in the Eighth Edition'. Modern Language Association. Retrieved 5 April 2016.
External links[edit]
- The MLA Style Center—dedicated website
- Phillip Gibbs
- 3 years ago
- Views:
1 7 th Edition MLA Handbook University of Akron Wayne College Smucker Learning Center MLA HANDOUT FOR WAYNE COLLEGE STUDENTS This handout is designed to assist students in documenting research papers using the guidelines of the Modern Language Association. These pages briefly summarize frequently used methods for giving credit to authors whose works you have consulted in the course of preparing an academic paper. If you need more information, please come into the Smucker Learning Center where one of the Writing Consultants will gladly help you, or check the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7 th edition. INDEX Article from a database Journal, 13 Newspaper, 15 Magazine, 14 Author In text No author, 5 Two authors, 5 Three or more authors, 5 In Works Cited No author, 9 Two authors, 9 Three or more authors, 9 Bible references Capitalization, 7 In text, 7 Works Cited page See Book, 10 Bibliography See Works Cited page Blog in Works Cited, 17 Book in Works Cited Chapter or Section of, 11 Complete book, 10 Edited book, 10 Multiple editions, 11 Database source citations Journal, 13 Magazine, 14 Newspaper, 15 Dates Date of access in citation,9 Date of publication, 9 No date given, 10 Writing military style, 9 Document format for research paper, 19 Editorial in Periodical In Works Cited, 15 Electronic sources See Web sources or database sources in Works Cited, 17 Encyclopedia in Works Cited, 12 Online article, 12 Film or Video Recording in Works Cited, 18 Hanging Indent, 8 In text citation Commas in parentheses with paragraph #, 10 Format of Works Cited Title in, 9 Author, 9 When source has no author, 9 When source has no page number, 10 When to cite a source, 3 3/20/2012
2 Journal Article in Works Cited, 13 Magazine Article in Works Cited, 42 Medium in Works Cited citation, 10 Movie in Works Cited See Film or Video Recording Newspaper Article in Works Cited, Page numbers In parenthetical notation, 5 In works cited citation, 9-10 no page numbers given, 10 Paraphrases When to use,3 Parenthetical notation See In-text citation Personal Interview in Works Cited, 17 Quotations Long quotations, 3-4 When to use, 3 Radio Broadcast in Works Cited, 18 Reference page See Works Cited page Signal words Definitions, 4 List of, 4 When to use, 4 Specialized reference book In Works Cited, 12 Television Broadcast in Works Cited, 18 Title Punctuating Title of articles, 9 Title of book, 9 Title of journal, magazine, newspaper, 9 Shortened form in in-text citation (See source with no author, 5) Transcript of Broadcast in Works Cited, 18 URL of website in citation, 16 Video Recording in Works Cited, 18 Web sources In text, 6 Works Cited page, 16 Works Cited citation Blog, 17 Book, 10 Chapter in book, 11 Edited book, 11 Edition of book, 11 , 17 Encyclopedia, 12 Film or DVD, 18 Journal article From database, 13 Online article, 13 Original article, 14 Magazine article From database, 14 Online article, 14 Original article, 14 Newspaper article From database, 15 Online article, 15 Original article, 14 Online encyclopedia, 12 Online journal article, 13 Online magazine article, 14 Online newspaper article, 15 Personal interview, 17 Radio broadcast, 18 Specialized reference book, 12 Television broadcast, 18 Transcript of radio or television broadcast, 18 Website Whole site, 16 Part of site, 16 Works Cited page Format, 8 Sample, 19 Title page for research paper, 19 3/20/2012
3 CITING SOURCES WITHIN THE TEXT OF YOUR PAPER WHEN TO CITE A SOURCE Always document the source when you are quoting (using the words exactly as they appear in your source). Cite every time you summarize, paraphrase, or otherwise indicate the author s information, ideas, or opinions. When in doubt, cite your source. HOW TO INCLUDE SOURCE MATERIAL IN TEXT Using Paraphrases: Generally speaking, information should be paraphrased (put in your own words and sentence structure) in order to maintain a consistent style of writing. Paraphrases are always cited. Using Quotations: If the wording of the information is so good that you cannot put it into your own words and have the same meaning, you may quote the information. o If the quote is less than 4 lines long in text, place it in quotation marks and do not indent it. The citation goes in parentheses and follows the rules in the section entitled How to Cite in Text. : When using sources in a research paper, Professor May claims that the exact vocabulary and syntax are paramount to understanding (34). o If the quote is more than 4 lines long, indent each line of the quote 10 spaces from the left margin only and do not use quotation marks. Double space the quote. The citation goes at the end of the quotation in parentheses after the period for the sentence. (See example on next page) [3]
4 : When adding source material in a research paper, Professor May also warns that students often fail to realize that careful citations are necessary in both the text itself and the list of references. Many think that in-text citations are not needed if the material is paraphrased; however, it is even more important to include the parenthetical notation in those instances because there are no quotation marks to indicate that material comes from an outside source. (47) USING SIGNAL WORDS TO INDICATE THE BEGINNING OF SOURCE MATERIAL IN TEXT You should indicate where source material begins in text. You can do this by saying According to, but you don t want to overuse this phrase. Listed below are signal verbs that better explain the relationship between the source material and what you are discussing. If your source is neutral: Acknowledges Comments Considers Demonstrates Explains Observes Offers Points out If your source implies something: Analyzes Infers Concludes Predicts Finds Proposes Implies Reveals If your source is against something: Alleges Argues Asserts Charges Claims Contends Criticizes Defends If your source agrees with something: Admits Concedes Agrees Concurs Allows Emphasizes If your source disagrees with something: Complains Condemns Deplores Disagrees Reports Says Sees Writes Speculates Suggests Denies Maintains Opposes Grants Insists Supports Laments Warns [4]
5 Consider including the credentials of the author within the text to help establish credibility. HOW TO CITE IN TEXT If you do not use the author s name within the sentence, put the author s last name and the page number on which the information appears in parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period. : Citing sources is hard but essential work (Black 45). If your source has two authors, include both last names separated by and (not italicized) in the parentheses followed by the page number. Place the period after the parentheses. : Accuracy is extremely important when including documentation information from a source (Jenkins and Johnson 29). If your source has more than two authors, list all the authors last names in the parentheses with a comma between each and and between the last two. Place the period after the parentheses. : Including citations helps to demonstrate the writer s credibility (Herman, Marcos, and Peters 134). If your source does not give an author s name within the text, use a shortened form of the title (using one, two, or three of the first main words) in the parentheses followed by the page number on which the information appears. (Underline the title if it is a book; put in quotation marks if an article title.) : Using the new MLA is simpler than the old one ( Citing Sources 3). If you use the author s name within the sentence that paraphrases or quotes his or her ideas, put the page number for the source of the material in parentheses immediately at the end of the paraphrased information. S: (a) Jonathan Black suggests that citing sources is hard but essential work (45). (b) Jonathan Black suggests that citing sources is hard but essential work (45) in order to [5]
6 earn a good grade on research papers. (c) According to Jonathan Black, citing sources is difficult work, but it is always necessary (45). If your source does not have fixed page numbers (like most WWW sources), put only the author or shortened form of the title in the parentheses at the end of the source material, even if it is referenced in the text. Note: The page numbers of a printout of an article from the Web should not be used in a citation. : Parenthetical citations should never be forgotten ( Citing Sources ). If you have more than one source by the same author, include both the author s last name and the shortened form of the title with a comma between them. Punctuate the title in the same way as in the Works Cited citation. : Authors of research papers sometimes forget that citations are needed for paraphrased material (Cole, English Handbook 445). If the info. comes from more than one source, use semicolons to separate the citations within the parentheses. : Sources cited in the text must also be cited in the Works Cited page ( Citing Sources ; Black 46). Do not place a comma between the author or title and the page number in the parentheses. HOW TO DOCUMENT INFORMATION FROM WWW SOURCES Cite sources from the World Wide Web similarly to printed works (see above). Because most WWW sources do not have page numbers on them, the in-text citation will not contain a page number. Do NOT use the page numbers of the printout of a WWW source. If your electronic source does number the paragraphs, include the abbreviation par. or pars. followed by the number of the paragraph in the parenthetical citation. If this type of citation begins with the author s name, place comma after the author s name. : (Thornton, pars ). [6]
7 Remember that if paragraphs are not numbered within the source, do NOT number them yourself and use them in the citation. HOW TO DOCUMENT BIBLICAL REFERENCES IN TEXT The first time you use a biblical reference in text, identify the version or edition you are using (italicized), put in a comma, abbreviate the book of the Bible, then put in the chapter number, a period, and the verse number (s). : First use: (The Jerusalem Bible, I Cor. 6.12) After the first use of the edition of the Bible, only identify the book, chapter, and verse. : Next use: (II Cor ) Capitalize, but do not underline, the names of the Bible, the books within the Bible, and the names of the particular translations or versions of the Bible. Italicize the name of the Bible. [7]
8 SETTING UP THE WORKS CITED PAGE GENERAL INFORMATION The Works Cited page is a separate page from the rest of the paper. Number the Works Cited page, continuing the numbers of the text. Make the Works Cited page the last page of your paper, followed only by the Appendices, if there are any. Center the heading Works Cited (not in italics) one inch from the top of the page. Include a citation for each source that is used in the essay. List the citations alphabetically according to the first word of the citation, unless it is A, An, or The. FORMATTING CITATIONS Double space within each entry. (If working with Microsoft 2007, set style to the second box Paragraph with no spacing and then set for double space using ctrl+2) Double space between each entry. DO NOT include extra spaces between citations. Begin each entry with a hanging indent. (The first line is flush with the left margin and other lines are indented.) o Hanging Indent using Word 2003: Put your cursor on the first line of the entry OR highlight all entries at once. Click on Format -- Paragraph -- Indents & Spacing -- Special -- Hanging Click OK o Hanging indent using Word 2007: Put your cursor on the first line of the entry OR highlight all entries at one. From Home tab, click on small box to right of the word Paragraph. Under Special, click on Hanging. Click on OK. [8]
9 PARTS OF A CITATION AUTHOR List author in this manner: last name, first name. If more than one author, o list them in the order given in the publication. o list only the first author last name first. Other authors are first name, last name. o place a comma between each author and the word and between the last two. If no author, simply start the citation with the title. TITLES Put the title of the article in quotation marks. Italicize the title of the periodical (journal, magazine, newspaper) Do not underline it. Capitalize the title according to normal rules. (Capitalize all words except a, an, and the and prepositions unless they are the first words of the title) Place the period after the title of the article inside the quotation marks. DATES For books: o Use the newest copyright date listed. For periodicals: o If only month and year, use it. o If day, month, and year are given, write the date military style (i.e., 25 Feb. 2009). For date of access: o Write the date military style (i.e., 25 Feb. 2009). PLACE OF PUBLICATION FOR BOOKS Use the first place of publication listed in the book. PAGE NUMBERS For books: o Do not include page numbers for books, unless you are using a specific article or chapter from the book. Then include all of the page numbers of that article or chapter. [9]
10 For articles in periodicals: o Include all of the consecutive page numbers on which the article appears. o If the article begins on one page and finishes somewhere else in the periodical, write the consecutive page numbers and then +. o If article appears in a newspaper that is divided into sections, be sure to include the section letter. o If page numbers do not exist, write N. pag. in place of the page numbers. For Websites: o If the Website has permanent page numbers, include them. o Do not use the page numbers that are generated from your printer. o If the Website includes paragraph numbers, place a comma after the author and write pars. followed by the paragraph number rather than a page number. MEDIUM Always include the word indicates the medium you used to access the source (for example, Print or Web). PUNCTUATION Be careful to include periods where indicated in the sample citations. Type one space after each period in a citation. Always end a citation with a period. BOOK SAMPLE INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES BOOKS Last name of author, First name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication. Print. Black, George. Documenting Sources the New Way. Chicago: Educational Books, Print. [10]
11 BOOK WITH MULTIPLE EDITIONS Last name of author, First name. Title of Book. Edition number ed. Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication. Print. Baker, George. Handbook on Documentation. 3 rd ed. Chicago: Grove, Print. CHAPTER OR SECTION IN A BOOK Last name of author of article, First name. Title of Chapter or Section. Name of editor (first name last name), ed. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication. Pages on which the article appears. Print. Kennedy, Sarah. Checking Out MLA. Mary Conrad, ed. Documentation the Easy Way. Akron, OH: U of Akron P, Print. EDITED BOOK (book itself cited in text) Last name of author of book, First name. Title of Book. Ed. Name of editor (first name last name). Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication. Print. Bowers, Chad. Plagiarism in the Twenty-first Century. Ed. James White. Boston: Bluebird, Print. EDITED BOOK (material written by editor, such as foreword cited in text) Last name of editor, First name. Title of Book. By Name of author (first name last name). Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication. Print. White, James, ed. Plagiarism Today. Ed. Chad Bowers. Boston: Bluebird, Print. [11]
12 ENCYCLOPEDIA Last name of author of article, First name. Title of Section. Title of Book. Edition number ed. Year of Publication. Print. May, Jaime. MLA. Encyclopedia Britannica. 20 th ed Print. SPECIALIZED REFERENCE BOOK Last name of author of section, First Name. Title of Section. Title of Reference Book. Ed. Name of editor of book. Number of edition. Ed. Vol. Number of volume. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. Print. Hernandez, Anita. Citations in Research Papers. Encyclopedia of English. Ed. Isaac Johnson. 3 rd ed. Vol. 2. Chicago: Wholesome Books, Print. ONLINE ARTICLE IN REFERENCE BOOK (such as encyclopedia) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Name of Encyclopedia. Sponsoring institution, copyright year. Web. Date of access. Thompson, Mary. Documentation Styles. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, Web. 15 May [12]
13 JOURNAL ARTICLE (original) ARTICLES IN A PERIODICAL Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Journal volume number. Issue number (year of publication): page numbers. Print. Hammond, Timothy. Citing Information Properly. College English 76.2 (2009): Print. JOURNAL ARTICLE (from database) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Journal volume number. Issue number (year of publication): page numbers. Name of Database. Web. Date of access. Hammond, Timothy. Citing Information Properly. College English 76.2 (2009): Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Feb JOURNAL ARTICLE (online) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Journal volume number. Issue number (year of publication): page numbers. Web. Date of Access. Schmidt, Dale. On Citing Sources. English Online 5.1 (2009): Web. 15 May Note: If the article does not contain fixed page numbers, use n. pag. in place of the page numbers. [13]
14 MAGAZINE ARTICLE (original) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Magazine Date of Publication: page numbers. Print. Smith, James. Citing Sources Is Fun. Homework Magazine 20 Jan. 2007: Print. MAGAZINE ARTICLE (from database) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Magazine Date of Publication: page numbers. Name of Database. Web. Date of access. Smith, James. Citing Sources Is Fun. Homework Magazine 20 Jan. 2007: Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Feb MAGAZINE ARTICLE (online) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Magazine. Sponsoring institution, Date of article. Web. Date of access. Smith, James. Citing Sources. Time. Time, 20 Jan Web. 23 Feb NEWSPAPER ARTICLE (original) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Newspaper Date of Publication: page numbers. Print. Blum, Ronald. Searching for Credible Sources. Canton Repository 6 Dec. 2007: C13. Print. [14]
15 NEWSPAPER ARTICLE (from database) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Newspaper Date of Publication: page numbers. Name of Database. Web. Date of access. Blum, Ronald. Searching for Credible Sources. Canton Repository 6 Dec. 2007: C13. Newsbank. Web. 22 Feb NEWSPAPER ARTICLE (online) Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Title of Newspaper. Sponsoring institution, date of article. Web. Date of access. Blum, Ronald. Searching for Credible Sources. Canton Repository. Canton Repository, 6 Dec Web. 22 Feb EDITORIAL IN A PERIODICAL Last name of author, First name. Title of Article. Editorial. Title of Periodical Date of Publication: page numbers. Print. Edwards, Sarah. Why We Need to Cite Sources. Editorial. The Daily Record 30 Jan. 2006: C2. Print. WWW SOURCES Notes about Web Source Citations If no sponsoring institution is given, use N.p. (Not italicized). Date of access is often a copyright date and can be found at the bottom of the page. If no date of access, use n.d.(not italicized). [15]
16 COMPLETE WEBSITE Last name of author, First name. Title of Webpage. Sponsoring institution, Date of last update. Web. Date of access. Latamer, Anthony. Documentation Made Easy. University of Akron, Web. 22 Feb Note: URLs for websites are only required if the reader probably cannot locate the source without it or if your instructor requires it. If included, put it in after the date of access. Latamer, Anthony. Documentation Made Easy. University of Akron, Web. 22 Feb < SHORT WORK ON A WEBPAGE Last name of author, First name. Title of Piece on Webpage. Title of Webpage. Sponsoring Institution, Date of last update. Web. Date of access. Jones, Michael. Using MLA in Research Papers. Documentation for College Students. The Good Student Institute, March Web. 12 March ONLINE JOURNAL ARTICLE See page 9 of this handout. ONLINE MAGAZINE ARTICLE See page 10 of this handout. ONLINE NEWSPAPER ARTICLE See page 11 of this handout. [16]
17 BLOG ENTRY Last name of author, First name. Title of the Entry. Title of Blog or Site. Name of Sponsor. Web. Date of access. Thomson, Carl. Why Should We Cite Sources? Documentation Blog. YBM Media. Web. 13 March Note: If no sponsor, include N.p. instead. Thomson, Carl. Why Should We Cite Sources? Documentation Blog. N. p. Web. 13 March Last name of writer of , First Name. Title of Message Taken from Subject Line. Message to the Author of the paper. Date of Sanchez, Josephine. RE: Using MLA in Your Research Paper. Message to William Morgan. 21 May PERSONAL INTERVIEW OTHER COMMON SOURCES Last name of person interviewed, First Name. Type of interview (Personal interview, Telephone interview). Date of interview. Henderson, Jonathan. Personal interview. 25 May [17]
18 TELEVISION BROADCAST Title of Episode or Segment. Title of Program or Series. Name of network. Call letters, City of local station. Broadcast date. Television. What s New in Teaching English. Fun in School. PBS. WVIZ, Cleveland. 14 April Television. RADIO BROADCAST Title of Program. Narr. Name of narrator. Network. Call letters, City of local station. Broadcast date. Radio. Innovations Today. Narr. Joseph Magill. WKSU, Kent, OH. 31 May Radio. TELEVISION OR RADIO BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT Title of Program. Narr. Name of narrator. Network. Call letters, City of station. page numbers. Broadcast date. Print. Transcript. Innovations Today. Narr. Joseph Magill. WKSU, Kent, OH. 31 May Print. Transcript. FILM OR VIDEO RECORDING Title of Film. Dir. Name of director. Distributor, Year of release. Medium (Film, Videocassette, DVD). S Walking in MLA Fields. Dir. Mary Rohr. United Cimenamators, Film. Walking in MLA Fields. Dir. Mary Rohr. United Cimenamators, DVD. [18]
19 SAMPLE WORKS CITED PAGE Works Cited Black, George. Documenting Sources the New Way. Chicago: Educational Books, Print. Blum, Ronald. Searching for Credible Sources. Canton Repository. Canton Repository, 6 Dec Web. 22 Feb Hammond, Timothy. Citing Information Properly. College English 76.2 (2009): Print. Henderson, Jonathan. Personal interview. 25 May Jones, Michael. Using MLA in Research Papers. Documentation for College Students. The Good Student Institute. March Web. 12 March Kennedy, Sarah. Checking Out MLA. Mary Conrad, ed. Documentation the Easy Way. Akron, OH: U of Akron P, Print. Smith, James. Citing Sources Is Fun. Homework Magazine 20 Jan. 2007: Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Feb DOCUMENT FORMAT Use an easily readable font (such as Times New Roman) set to standard 12-point size. DO NOT use a title page. On the first page of the essay, in the upper left corner, put your name, the course name, the instructor s name, and the date on separate lines (double spaced). Skip one double space and center your title. Do NOT write the title in bold font or in all caps. Skip one more double space and begin the essay. Number your pages in the header on the right side of the page. Include your last name with the page numbers. (Using Microsoft Word 2007, click on the Insert tab. Click on Page Number. Click on Top of Page. From the drop down box that appears, click on Page Number 3. Then on your document in front of one of the page numbers in the header, add your last name. It will appear on all the pages.) Number the Works Cited page and any appendices as part of your paper. [19]
20 [20]
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Unification Mode Returning from Sengoku Basara 2, this mode allows players to conquer Japan by completing a non-linear path across the country. Additionally, Kojūrō and Tenkai's stories are implied to have taken place before the events of Sengoku Basara 3.,,,,, and can be unlocked by completing various stories. Unlike Sengoku Basara 2, the player may spread out and conquer any territory. All previous playable characters from Sengoku Basara 3 start out unlocked. Sengoku basara 3 utage translation patch. • • • • • • • • The former 4 have serious stories, while the latter 4 have comical stories.
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Using Microsoft Word 2010 to Write a Turabian Paper The best source for writing research papers is the A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Eighth Edition). A copy is available
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