Program Aplikasi Grafis Vektor Dan Bitmap
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helo yipi. she's TinkerBell, the beauty fairies ever. i like she so aw!!! she's smart fairies. Tinker of Tinkerbell, to tell that she likes to work fixing an object. she's sexy fairies haha you can see how dress that she uses is very tight and short, but for me its cool B-)Aug 3, 2009 - Program aplikasi untuk membuat grafis vektor dan bitmap itu banyak sekali macamnya, seperti Page Maker, Corel Photo Paint, CorelDraw,. Dan sering dipakai dalam membuat logo, animasi, ilustrasi, kartun, clipart dsb. Program Aplikasi Pengolah Gambar Vektor. Perbedaan Grafis Berbasis Vektor Dan Grafis Berbasis Bitmap.
i have some collection of tinkerbell, just like my new pen from my sistah (nb: ka ika) and then plate tinkerbell, map tinkerbell, sweater tinkerbell and other. next time i'll post the picture. wait and coming soon :p
and check it to know a litle story of tinkerbell...
Tinkerbell or Tinker Bell (the canonical spelling of the name) is a fictional character in J.M. Barrie's play and subsequent novel Peter Pan. She is the loyal fairy companion to Peter Pan and the jealous pixie who glows brightest for Peter Pan. Her voice sings like a tinkling bell and a sprinkle of her pixie dust from the magic wand can make you fly. In one famous scene, Tinker Bell will die if not enough people believe in fairies. The resultant plea to the children watching the play or movie is an example of 'breaking the fourth wall'.
But this sprite can turn spiteful if she suspects that Peter's attentions are diverted to anyone but herself. It's bad enough that she has to compete with Never Land's other adoring females (the mermaids and Princess Tiger Lily), but now Peter's brought back this Wendy person from London. Tink would lay down her life for Peter, but he's too busy playing Wendy's hero to care. Somehow she'll find a way to settle the score, even if it takes eliminating the competition.
In the end of the novelization, when Peter returns to Wendy after a year, it is revealed that Tinker Bell 'is no more' since 'fairies don't live long, but they are so little that a short time seems a good while to them.' Like nearly everything that has happened in the story, Peter has forgotten her - real death and sadness cannot exist in his everlasting childhood.
In Sir James M. Barrie's original play, Tinker Bell is traditionally staged as a flying point of light beamed from offstage. Animator Marc Davis' personification of her as a winged pixie with a very womanly figure was widely criticized as too sexually suggestive by Barrie purists, especially after it was rumored that she was modeled after actress Marilyn Monroe. Tink was actually modeled after Margaret Kerry, the actress who performed her live-action reference. On screen, the character has been played by Julia Roberts (Steven Spielberg's 1991 film Hook) and Ludivine Sagnier (P. J. Hogan's 2003 film Peter Pan). The popular Miss Bell went on to a second career as TV hostess for Disney's anthology series ('Disneyland®,' 'Walt Disney Presents,' 'Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color,' and 'The Wonderful World of Disney'), and Tinker Bell still flies through the sky over Disneyland every night in the summer to herald the evening fireworks.

Program Aplikasi Grafis Vektor Dan Bitmap
tinkerbell barbie's
tinkerbell cantik :3

tinkerbell with her best costume ;-)
tinkerbell rock&roll m/
and i wanna flyyyyyy with tinkerbell byeeeee :D
Pernahkah kalian mengurai file gambar dan melihat semua piksel kecil berwarna? Itulah grafik raster. Grafik web dan foto digital disimpan sebagai gambar raster.
Grafik vektor terdiri atas jalur yang mewakili garis dan bentuk, bukannya piksel. Grafik vektor dapat diperbesar tanpa kehilangan kualitas ketajamannya.
Kalau punya kamera digital, grafik vektor menciptakan file raw kamera. Ada banyak variasi file raw kamera dan kita bisa membukanya hanya jika program kita mendukung jenis file maupun model kamera khusus.
Ekstensi citra grafik populer adalah: .TIF, .PNG, .PSD dan .JPG.

Ekstensi | Nama tipe file | Peringkat |
.eps | Encapsulated Postscript File | |
.png | Portable Network Graphic File | |
.psd | File Grafis Adobe Photoshop | |
.tif | Tagged Image File | |
.ai | Adobe Illustrator Graphics File | |
.bcf | Business Card Designer Pro File | |
.cdg | Compact Disc Plus Picture Image File | |
.cr2 | Canon Raw Image File | |
.djvu | Djvu Image File | |
.emz | Microsoft Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile | |
.jp2 | JPEG 2000 Core Image File | |
.nef | Nikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File | |
.std | Apache OpenOffice Drawing Template File | |
.svg | Scalable Vector Graphics File | |
.tiff | Tagged Image File Format | |
.vsd | Visio Drawing File | |
.xcf | Gimp XCF Bitmap Image File | |
.abm | Photo Album File | |
.mix | Microsoft Image Exchange File | |
.zdl | Designpro Label Design File | |
.ani | Animated Cursor File | |
.bmp | Bitmap Image File | |
.cdr | CorelDRAW Image File | |
.cur | Windows Cursor File | |
.dng | Adobe Digital Negative File | |
.gif | Graphics Interchange File Format | |
.ico | File Ikon | |
.jpf | JPEG 2000 Image File | |
.mdi | Microsoft Office Document Imaging File Format | |
.p65 | Adobe Pagemaker Document File | |
.pat | Pattern File | |
.ps | Adobe Postscript File | |
.qxd | Quarkxpress Document File | |
.thm | File Gambar Thumbnail | |
.wb1 | Webshots Picture File | |
.albm | Photo Album File | |
.hus | Husqvarna Embroidery File | |
.jef | Janome Embroidery Layout File | |
.pd | Flexisign 5 Plotter Document File | |
.ptn | Paperport Thumbnail Images File | |
.abr | Adobe Photoshop Brush File | |
.apm | Aldus Placeable Metafile | |
.cgm | Computer Graphics Metafile | |
.cpt | Corel Photo-paint Bitmap File | |
.dcm | DICOM Image File | |
.dcr | Kodak RAW Image File | |
.dds | Directdraw Surface File | |
.dicom | Medicine Image File Format | |
.drw | File Gambar | |
.emf | Enhanced Windows Metafile Picture File | |
.fax | File Dokumen Fax | |
.fig | XFIG Drawing File | |
.hdr | High Dynamic Range Image File | |
.icon | File Gambar Ikon | |
.iff | Autodesk Maya Image Interchange File | |
.int | SGI Integer Image File | |
.jpeg | JPEG Image File | |
.jpg | JPEG Image File | |
.jps | Stereospic JPEG Format | |
.jpx | JPEG 2000 Image File | |
.jwl | Roxio Jewel Case File | |
.mac | MacPaint Image File | |
.msv | Mystars! Saved View File | |
.ncd | Nero Coverdesigner Image Format File | |
.nrw | Nikon Raw Image File | |
.odg | Opendocument Drawing File | |
.orf | Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image File | |
.pcd | Kodak Photo CD Image File | |
.pcx | Paintbrush Bitmap Image File | |
.pdd | Adobe Photodeluxe Document File | |
.pgm | Portable Graymap File Format File | |
.plt | AutoCAD Plotter Document File | |
.ppm | Portable Pixmap Image File | |
.psb | Photoshop Large Document Format File | |
.psp | Paint Shop Pro Image File | |
.raw | Raw Image Data File | |
.sdt | Smartdraw Template File | |
.sfw | Seattle FilmWorks Image File | |
.sid | MrSID Image File | |
.srf | Sony RAW Image File | |
.tbn | XBMC Folder Thumbnail File | |
.tga | Targa Graphic File | |
.web | Xara Web Document File | |
.wmf | Windows Metafile | |
.isf | Inspiration Diagram File | |
.mif | Mapinfo Interchange Format File | |
.pdn | File Gambar | |
.rdl | MicroStation Redline File | |
.sdr | Smartdraw Drawing File | |
.skf | Autodesk Autosketch Thumbnail File | |
.spp | Serif PhotoPlus Picture File | |
.adc | Scanstudio 16 Colours Bitmap Graphics File | |
.art | AOL Compressed Image File | |
.awd | Microsoft Fax Document File | |
.cit | Intergraph Scanned Image File | |
.cnv | Canvas 6-8 Drawing File | |
.cor | CorelDRAW Drawing File | |
.crw | Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format | |
.cvs | Canvas 3 Drawing File | |
.dpx | Digital Picture Exchange File | |
.ecw | Enhanced Compressed Wavelet Image Format | |
.fh10 | Adobe Freehand 10 Drawing File | |
.fpx | Kodak Flashpix Bitmap Image File | |
.hpg | HPGL Plot File | |
.hpi | Hemera Photo Image Format | |
.icl | Icon Library File | |
.icn | Windows Icon File | |
.itc2 | Apple Itunes Cover Flow Data File | |
.jbf | Corel Paintshop Photo Pro Image Browser File | |
.jif | Jpeg Interchange Format File | |
.jtf | Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format Image | |
.jxr | Jpeg XR Image File | |
.mef | Mamiya RAW Image File | |
.mng | Multiple Network Graphics File | |
.pbm | Portable Bitmap File | |
.pct | File Foto | |
.pef | Pentax Electronic File | |
.pic | File Foto Generik | |
.pict | File Foto | |
.pnm | Portable Anymap Bitmap Graphic File | |
.pwp | Seattle Filmworks / Photoworks Image File | |
.pza | Mgi Photosuite Album File | |
.qxp | Quarkxpress Project File | |
.ras | Sun Raster Graphic File | |
.rgb | File Bitmap RGB | |
.rif | Resource Interchange File Format | |
.riff | Painter Raster Image File | |
.sep | Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Bitmap Image | |
.sgi | Silicon Graphics Rgb Bitmap Image File | |
.spr | Half-Life Sprite File | |
.svgz | Compressed SVG File | |
.vbr | Gimp Parametric Brush File | |
.vic | VICAR Image File | |
.vml | Vector Markup Language File | |
.vss | Visio Stencil File | |
.wal | Quake 2 Texture Image Format | |
.wbc | Webshots Collection Image Format | |
.wbz | Webshots Download Picture File | |
.wmp | Microsoft Windows Media Hd Photo File | |
.wpg | Corel Wordperfect Graphic File | |
.xwd | X Window Window Screen Dump Or Bitmap File | |
.2d | Versacad 2d Drawing File | |
.aam | Adobe Authorware Shocked File | |
.apx | Ability Photopaint Image File | |
.bmf | Binary Material File | |
.brt | Bryce Textures File | |
.cdd | ConceptDraw PRO Document File | |
.cph | Corel Print House Printing Project File | |
.cps | Corel Photo House Image File | |
.dia | Dia Diagram File | |
.dpp | Serif Drawplus Drawing File | |
.ep | Pencil Project Document File | |
.igx | iGrafx Document File | |
.pe4 | Photo Explorer Thumbnail Archive File | |
.pes | Brother Embroidery File Format | |
.pgf | Progressive Graphics File | |
.pov | POV-Ray Raytracing Format File | |
.px | Pixel Image File | |
.pzp | PhotoSuite Project File | |
.rpf | Rich Pixel Format File | |
.spa | MikuMikuDance Sphere Mapping File | |
.sup | Subtitle Bitmap File | |
.tlc | The Logo Creator File | |
.ufo | Ulead Photoimpact Object File |
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