Jet Audio Plus Vx (full Version) Skin
Posted : admin On 6/4/2019jetAudio supports all popular digital audio and video file formats, and CD, DVD, VideoCD.
The compatible file formats are :
- Windows Sound (WAV)
- MPEG Audio(MP2, MP1, MP3)
- MPEG Audio Playlist (M3U, PLS)
- Windows Media Audio (WMA)
- Ogg Vorbis Audio (OGG)
- Apple Audio (AIFF and AIF)
- SUN Audio (SND and AU)
- RealMedia (RAM, RA, RMM, RM)
- IMS (Module Karaoke)
- Module Format (S3M, MOD, MTM, XM, IT, STM, 669, ULT, MED, FAIR, MDL, MDL, NST, WOW and OKT)
- Monkey's Audio (APE)
- Musepack Audio (MPC)
- Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
- Speex (SPX)
- True Audio (TTA)
- WavPack Audio (WV)
jetAudio can create Audio CD from the following digital audio files:
- MPEG Audio files (MP2 and MP3)
- WMA (Windows Media Audio)
- MIDI files (MID, KAR and RMI)
- IMS file (IMS)
- Module files (S3M, MOD, XM and IT)
- OGG (Ogg Vorbis)
- Monkey's Audio file format
- MPEG Plus Audio
- Free Lossless Audio Codec
Record from differing analog sources such as Line-In input or microphone.
You can create digital audio files from your old tapes or LPs. Just connect your audio's output to the sound card's input jack, then you can start recording.
Using the timer function, you can stop recording after designated time automatically. JetAudio offers new functions for complex recording . You can customize recording sound dynamically with integrated EQ, High-pass, Low-pass, and Band-rejection filters.
Tag Editing
City life 2008 edition. You can edit ID3 v2 and ID3 Tags of MP3 files. Tag editing feature is compatible with OGG, MP3, APE WMA, files. You can insert Lyrics and Images in the tag, and savor it during playback.
Multiple channel sound ouput
Do you own a multi-channel enabled sound card? Do you own 4 or 5.1 speaker sound system? Try jetAudio's X-Surround multiple channel sound output.
jetAudio is compatible with crossfading among two songs. At the end of actual song, jetAudio blends sound of next track. So, you can enjoy fluid transition effect when next track starts.
With jetAudio's malleable skin function, you can adjust the shape of jetAudio. You can even create your own skin.
jetAudio is able to show subtitles for video playback. jetAudio is compatible with external subtitle file formats such as .srt, .ssa, .smi, .psb, .sub, .idx, .ass, .xss, .usf and integrated subtitles of OGM and MKV video files.
Internet CD Database
jetAudio automatically reclaims track names and artist information from your Audio CD from web CD Database.
Audio Trimmer
- Trim audio files and save to compatible file formats. Fade In or Out effects are offered.
- This feature is very effective for editing recorded audio files with a microphone or line-in.
Audio Mixing Recorder
- Create greetings with your preferred music. Just choose your preferred music file, press the Start button, then talk your greetings to microphone. Audio Mixing Recorder will take care of the rest of the job.
Media Center Window
Resident evil remake hd walkthrough. The mask movie download in tamil. New Media Center window offers various features like new Explorer window, Media Manager, and Device Manager. You can administrate all of your digital files in Media Manager. Media Manager grants Media Library, CD Library, Automatic Browsing, Playlist or Automatic Playlist.
Name | jetAudio Plus VX |
Version | 8.1.3 |
Developer | JetAudio, Inc. see all products from this developer |
Product Homepage | jetAudio Plus VX |
License | Free to try (Shareware) |
Last Week Downloads | 250 |
All Time Downloads | 171,896 |
Filename | JAD8103_PLUS_VX_u.exe |
Filesize | 37.2MB |
MD5 Checksum | 102BF3AC1486A8075840FEFD5E90AD83 |
OS Support | Windows All |
Category | Audio & Video |
100% CLEAN Certification
What is a torrent and magnet link? Torrent info; Download: [Magnet link] [Add to BTCloud] Name: Jet Audio Plus VX (Full Version)+skin: Downloads:. DFX Audio Enhancer v 11.105. Jet Audio Plus VX (Full Version)+skin. Jet Audio New Version torrent. Download safe jet audio new versionat Tree. Torrent with new service. Our search engine recommends and warns our users: Don't Compromise!
jetAudio Plus VX has been tested by team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. Our editors will recheck this software periodically to assure that it remains clean.
Old Versions
Software | Date Added |
jetAudio Plus VX 8.1.3 | April 29, 2015 - Latest Version |
jetAudio Plus VX 7.1.7 | October 22, 2008 |
jetAudio Plus VX | May 29, 2008 |
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